Medical Oxygen | Pakistan Oxygen Limited

Medical Oxygen

Medical Oxygen

Vital to human life, oxygen is widely used in medical facilities to aid in patient care, for resuscitation and curing, and prevention of hypoxemia and hypoxia. Several other medical conditions require the use of medical oxygen to sustain life including cardiovascular and respiratory arrest, severe haemorrhage, shock and trauma, carbon monoxide poisoning and cyanosis.

Medical Oxygen-

Specifications Standards European Pharmacopeia 1999 Pakistan Oxygen Standard
Oxygen purity 99.5% (min) 99.5% (min)
Moisture < 67 vpm < 50 vpm
Carbon dioxide < 300 vpm < 300 vpm
Carbon monoxide < 5 vpm < 5 vpm
Odor None None

Technical Data Sheet-

Medical oxygen is supplied to the following specification: Purity 99.5% (min).

Product Name Concentration Material Safety Data Sheets Spec Sheet
Medical Oxygen (O2) Gas High Purity > 99.5%
Low Purity > 90%

Compressed Oxygen Gas Spec Sheet

The medical oxygen gas complies with the current European Pharmacopoeia monograph

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