HeliStar Blends | Pakistan Oxygen Limited

HeliStar® Blends

HeliStar® Blends: Helium Shielding Gases & Welding Gas Mixtures

When you want to ensure precision high quality welds in the most pressing environments, you want HeliStar™ shielding gases. These helium-enhanced blends are available in a variety of precise formulations for your GMAC, GTAW, PAW and laser welding applications.

HeliStar Brochure (73.9KB)

Mixture Uses Data sheet Safety Data Sheet
HeliStar A-25 This blend is used for welding non-ferrous base metals when an increase in heat input is needed and weld bead appearance is of primary importance.

Blends for GMAW and GTAW of aluminum (61.4KB)
Blends for GTAW of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum & other non-ferrous metals (63.7KB)

HeliStar A-25 (25% argon, 75% helium mixture) (66.3KB)

HeliStar A-50 This blend is used primarily for high-speed mechanized welding of non-ferrous materials less than 3/4 inches thick.

Blends for GMAW and GTAW of aluminum (61.4KB)
Blends for GTAW of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum & other non-ferrous metals (63.7KB)

HeliStarA-50 (65.3KB)

HeliStar A-75 This blend is used for mechanized welding of aluminum greater than one inch thick in the flat position. It increases heat input and reduces porosity of welds in copper.

Blends for GMAW and GTAW of aluminum (61.4KB)
Blends for GTAW of carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum & other non-ferrous metals (63.7KB)

HeliStar A-75 (75% argon, 25% helium mixture) (65.8KB)

HeliStar A1025 This blend is widely used for short-circuiting transfer welding of stainless steel in all welding positions. The carbon dioxide content is kept low to minimize carbon absorption and assure good corrosion resistance, especially in multi-pass welds. The argon and carbon dioxide additions provide good arc stability and depth of fusion. The high helium content provides significant heat input to overcome the sluggish nature of the stainless steel weld pool.

CS and A1025 blends for all forms of GMAW of stainless steel (62.8KB)

HeliStarA1025 helium mixture (65.8KB)

HeliStar CS This blend has been developed for spray and pulsed spray arc welding of both carbon and low-alloy steels. It can be used on all thicknesses in any position. This high-speed blend will produce higher quality welds over rust, oil and mill scale than conventional two-part mixtures. It produces good mechanical properties and weld puddle control.

CS and A1025 blends for all forms of GMAW of stainless steel (62.8KB)
CS for all forms of GMAW of carbon steel (62.2KB)

HeliStarCS, SS (71.3KB)

HeliStar GV A specially formulated mixture of argon, helium and carbon dioxide, this blend is designed for joining a variety of coated steels. It reduces the spatter and porosity problems commonly associated with the welding of coated steels. Both galvanized and galvannealed materials can be successfully joined without the need for additional post-weld cleanup and rework.

HeliStar GV (71.9KB)

HeliStar SS This blend is used for short arc, spray, and pulsed spray arc welding of stainless steel. It provides a higher welding speed, a broad weld with a flat crown and good color match, reduced porosity, and excellent alloy retention with good corrosion resistance.

SS for all forms of GMAW of stainless steel (63KB)

HeliStar CS, SS (71.3KB)